Stack & Queue Abstract Data Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Archive contains Oberon implementations of the abstract data types Stack and Queue. The implementations are based on the module for lists that comes with the Oberon Compiler by Fridtjof Siebert. There is nothing new to these modules. Just that i missed them. Permission is hereby granted to Fridtjof Siebert to include these modules in the next release of the Amiga Oberon Compiler. The modules are freely distributable as long as you leave my name in. The two test modules may be of particular interest to anyone having trouble with the concept of type-guards in Oberon. (I had my troubles...) Adress any comments or other stuff to: Peter Fröhlich Ebenböckstraße 19 D-8000 München 60 or preferably Z-NET:P.FROEHLICH@NEXT-BOX.ZER